Digital Brand Media & Marketing Group, Inc. (“The Company” and “DBMM “), including its 100% owned and operating subsidiary and flagship brand, Digital Clarity is fulfilling the requirements of a fully reporting and fully compliant company which follows laws, regulations and best practices for public companies. Two requirements were fulfilled in January 2025, one was new and the other was annual reporting. As the Company’s primary focus is pivoting its business model, having these reports approved and in place is useful.
To that end, all Pink Current/OTCIQ Basic Service companies were advised by OTCM that:
“Beginning January 2025, your OTCIQ Basic service will be discontinued. In the coming year, the Pink Current market, on which Digital Brand Media & Marketing Group, Inc. trades will become (renamed) OTCID— a Basic Reporting Market.” Coincident with the name change, companies transfer their (OTC) membership to the OTC Disclosure & News Service and must provide current certifications and qualify for the OTCID. Companies that do not provide the required certifications will be downgraded to the Pink Limited or Expert Market, whichever is applicable.”
The change is being made to further reinforce the delegation of authority by the SEC through the amendments to Rule 15c2-11 enacted in September 2021, to OTCM. Issuer certification is required to provide confidence in the FINRA 15c2-11 compliance designations relied upon by broker-dealers and investors. Consistent with this enhancement of Rule 15c2-11 and consistent with industry standards, certifications must be timely and accurate.
The process for DBMM and its officers has been successfully completed, reviewed and approved by OTCM. The annual Membership Fee has been applied and paid.
Shareholders are aware that DBMM is a fully reporting and fully compliant company which is a higher level of reporting than what is required for Pink Current as DBMM’s ultimate goal is to Uplist first to QB and eventually to NASDAQ when DBMM meets the requisite criteria. The more stringent reporting is a significant distinction and is viewed very positively by the industry and the regulators. This will serve DBMM well in meeting its expansionist outreach with DC as its flagship and brand, leveraging its AI product implementation to lead its management consultancy with a competitive advantage in 2025 forward.
DBMM is registered in Florida and provides an Annual Report due in May of each year for the previous year. That report has been completed and filed with its annual fee also in January, 2025. In addition, the attached Certificate of Good Standing has been provided.
Link – Certificate Of Good Standing
The Company is well positioned regarding the regulatory requirements as the infrastructure for 2025 . As stated in the Shareholders Update issued following the 1Q2025 10-Q the Company transformation being created by the AI pivot is being implemented resulting in benefit to all stakeholders. One step at a time and sustainable. For reference, put a pin in Shareholders Update regarding the outlook for 2025.
Linda Perry and Reggie James
DBMM Management
The foregoing contains certain predictive statements that relate to future events or future business and financial performance. Such statements can only be predictions, and the actual events or results may differ from those discussed due to, among other things, those risks described in DBMM’s reports filed with the SEC. Opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. This document is published solely for information purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in any state. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Additional information is available upon request.